Sunday, January 20, 2008


I have this obsession with finding and photographing abandoned churches and old schoolhouses that can only be rivaled by Suzanne's obsession with outhouses. It's something about finding something that has been such an important part of so many peoples' lives, like a church or a school, just abandoned there to fall apart. I would love to know the stories these buildings could tell. I guess I'm a closet history nerd.

I've driven past this abandoned church on Middle Fork Road near Reedy, WV a few times, and have been taken by the country-gothic windows. I stopped today to snap off a few photos, despite the fact that it was so cold my hands were too numb to feel the camera. No matter-- look at that gorgeous sapphire-colored sky! Blue skies and bright sunshine can be deceiving.


Carletta said...

I like how the sky is reflected in the glass too!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

What a great picture. I enjoy seeing any building in decay, as I drive by, but never stopped to take a photo. The partially opened window is special.

Charleston Catholic / Clay Center Project said...

Thank you, Carletta and Fishing Guy! These windows have always fascinated me. I wanted to get some photos inside, but some people in the house next door were eyeing me suspiciously and when I walked toward them to ask them if it would be OK to go inside (the door is open) they went inside and started watching me through the window. Weird.

Janis Bland said...

Very very cool. I too like old buildings. Still more stuff for painting inspiration!

Rick Lee said...

Cool. Love it.