Thursday, February 01, 2007

Crane, day 7

Today I worked on the orange crane's tail and the red crane head in front of it, as well as the red, partially-folded crane in the top right corner. It's going slow right now because I have so much going on right now. If I could just get a few hours at once to work on it, I could get SO MUCH done!

Maybe in my next life.


jedijawa said...

Wow, that's a big change! I can see how you brought that one to the front. I was wondering how I hadn't noticed that before and then I saw what you'd done.

Cool! I like it!

scienceguy said...

Wow, major changes in that top right corner! Way to go, sweetie! :)

Me said...

Love it.

msliberty said...

The colors look sharper on this version.

Very cool!